Already matched?
We can help
We support surrogacy teams who have already matched, including those working with a friend, sibling or other family member, and those who have met independently

What support does Brilliant Beginnings provide to matched surrogacy teams?
We help take risk out of your surrogacy journey, giving you all the information you need to make informed decisions, and providing you with professional and legal support throughout the surrogacy process.
With options for one-off advice, help with setting things up or our full end-to-end pathway, our support is tailored to your needs.
Who does Brilliant Beginnings support?
We have provided professional back up to a wide range of matched surrogacy teams, including siblings, cousins, old friends and work colleagues, as well as those who have met online via independent surrogacy groups.
If you are existing friends or family members you may already have a solid relationship, but need help navigating an unfamiliar process confidently. If you have met independently, you may want reassurance that the match is a good one, and to ensure you are all fully prepared and supported.
We can help you anticipate what to expect, avoid pitfalls and manage things smoothly. Many intended parents want their surrogate to have the best possible support, and want back up for themselves too.

Why choose Brilliant Beginnings?
Founded in 2013 by the owners of fertility law firm NGA Law, Brilliant Beginnings has been creating families through UK surrogacy for over a decade. The first UK non-profit to offer a fully-managed surrogacy process underpinned by expert professional support, we have always been belt and braces in all we do.
NGA Law is our sibling organisation and has worked at the forefront of UK surrogacy law since 2009, giving you the comfort of knowing you are supported by the established leaders in the field of surrogacy law.
Together we are committed to enabling safe and ethical UK surrogacy, supported by the right professionals.
Our services
Surrogacy Consultations
Our Surrogacy Consultation service gives you the opportunity for an in-depth advice meeting, typically lasting 1-2 hours and giving you all the space you need to discuss your surrogacy plans in detail.
One of our experienced Client Managers will meet with you to advise you on the surrogacy process and the issues you need to consider, and to answer any questions you have. If you wish, we will also write to you to confirm our advice in writing.
Cost: £500 plus VAT (or £300 plus VAT if you do not wish to have an advice letter)
If, following a Surrogacy Consultation, you decide to move forward with our Surrogacy Agreement Pathway service we will discount your Surrogacy Consultation fee from your first Pathway invoice.
If you wish (and/or your clinic requires it) you can also arrange a legal advice meeting with our sibling organisation NGA Law (charged separately). Legal advice from NGA Law is also included as part of our Surrogacy Agreement Pathway.
Our UK Surrogacy Agreement Pathway
Our professional support service can be tailored to your needs, but always includes our core service to help you set a strong foundation for your surrogacy journey:
Guidance and support to help you prepare – Our Client and Surrogate Managers will meet with each of you separately to answer your questions, air any worries or concerns and help you think through the issues you will need to discuss. We will help you work through surrogacy expenses so they are costed clearly in advance (knowing that no-one likes talking about money). We will arrange confidential surrogacy preparation counselling for the surrogate with an experienced BICA-accredited counsellor.
Legal advice – We will arrange a legal advice meeting for each of you (for the intended parents with NGA Law and for the surrogate with an independent solicitor), to make sure you are all fully informed about the legal requirements. Your lawyers will confirm to your fertility clinic they have advised you, clearing the path for your treatment.
Specialist wills – Your lawyers will help you put in place specialist wills to protect each other and your baby, just in case any of you dies unexpectedly before the surrogacy process is complete.
Your surrogacy agreement – We will provide you with a surrogacy agreement document to work through, and (after you have digested our initial advice and had the chance to discuss anything you need to) will arrange a series of meetings to facilitate your discussions and help you record what you have agreed clearly in writing.
Cost: £7,200 plus VAT (Brilliant Beginnings) and £3,000 plus VAT (NGA Law)
Optional ongoing support
This service continues our support after your surrogacy agreement. Your Brilliant Beginnings client manager will guide you in finding a fertility clinic and support your decision-making during the fertility treatment process. During the pregnancy we will have regular check-ins to smooth communication, and help with practical issues such as dealing with doctors, maternity hospitals and birth planning. Throughout your journey your client manager will be a sounding board for you all, a trusted advisor and a source of support, there for you throughout the ups and downs no matter what happens. We will also arrange confidential counselling for the surrogate before and after the birth as standard.
In addition the intended parents will have full legal back-up from the NGA Law team, who will be available to answer any legal questions that arise along the way, help you manage the birth registration and limbo period, and support you through your parental order application (either with full legal representation, or with guidance on how to manage the court process yourselves).
Cost (including core service): £17,500 plus VAT (Brilliant Beginnings) and £6,000 or £12,000 plus VAT (NGA Law) depending on the level of service you choose for your parental order
Optional surrogate screening
You can opt for surrogate screening, which takes place before you move forward with your surrogacy agreement and we would strongly recommend this if you have met online or do not already have a longstanding relationship.
Curated by our surrogate manager, our thorough screening process includes support to inform and prepare a surrogate for the surrogacy process, a review of medical records and GP report, criminal records checks, personal references (who we speak to by telephone to understand more about your values, personality style and communication preferences) and a psychological evaluation with a specialist clinical psychologist who will assess goals, motivations, emotional wellbeing, support structure and personality information to help us advise you all on the best way to manage your surrogacy journey.
Cost (full pathway with core service and ongoing support): £21,000 plus VAT (Brilliant Beginnings) and £6,000 or £12,000 plus VAT (NGA Law) depending on the level of service you choose for your parental order
Cost (including core service but without ongoing support): £11,500 plus VAT (Brilliant Beginnings) and £3,000 plus VAT (NGA Law)